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South of Town Centre project


The South of Romsey Town Centre project is a initiative of the Romsey Future partnership which looks at the future of the area around the bus station and Crosfield Hall and how it could be improved to deliver maximum benefit to Romsey and its residents.  

Between 2018-2020 the Romsey Future partnership led the development of the South of Romsey Town Centre Masterplan following extensive community engagement. This included over 15 public events to promote the consultation and the distribution of more than 2,000 postcards to the Romsey community, including residents and businesses. In 2019, a Romsey Citizens' Assembly took place as part of a national government programme, which produced a series of recommendations to Test Valley Borough Council that informed the development of the Masterplan.

In September 2020 the Masterplan was approved by Test Valley Borough Council


The main elements of the masterplan are:-


1). Public realm improvements to the urban environment, particularly around Broadwater Road and enhancing the area around Fishlake Stream.

2). The regeneration of the bus station site to provide a new mixed-use development, including a community hub.

3). The regeneration of the Crosfield Hall site.


In terms of delivery of the South of Town Centre project, the first phase focusses on the redevelopment of the bus station site and the creation of a new ‘mobility hub’. This will provide homes, shops and community space alongside bus/coach stops and improved facilities for cyclists and pedestrians.


For more information, please see our latest updates here.


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